more ABSTRAK Interaksi sosial sebagai persepsi seseorang terhadap dukungan potensial yang diterima dari lingkungan. Nous avons compare retrospectivement leurs taux de positivite a ceux obtenus par culture conventionnelle (BD MGIT tube™) de liquides et de biopsies pleurales et peritoneales pour 18 autres patients dont les dossiers etaient di.ĪBSTRAK Interaksi sosial sebagai persepsi seseorang terhadap dukungan potensial yang diterima dar. Materiels et methodes Nous avons inocule dans des flacons d’hemoculture BD BACTEC™ MycoF lytic 6 liquides pleuraux et 1 liquide d’ascite de 7 patients differents. Or, la propagation de souches resistantes aux antibiotiques rend necessaire l’obtention de l’antibiogramme afin d’optimiser l’antibiotherapie. Le diagnostic est donc souvent indirect, associant des arguments clinicobiologiques et anatomopathologiques sans documentation microbiologique.
La biopsie pleurale ou peritoneale, consideree comme le « gold standard », est un examen plus sensible (environ 50–60 %) mais est une procedure invasive. more Introduction Le diagnostic microbiologique de la tuberculose pleurale ou peritoneale est souvent difficile a obtenir avec la culture du liquide pleural ou peritoneal. Introduction Le diagnostic microbiologique de la tuberculose pleurale ou peritoneale est souvent. In this experiment, the sensor used is a condenser microphone, because the sensor because this sensor has a wide frequency response ra. After testing the design of tools and applications that have been made and conducted experiments on the application it can be concluded that the tuning frequency is done in accordance with the ideal frequency amplitude standard. If the frequency captured by this tool does not match the specified set point, then the user can perform automatic tuning by using the method that the author applied. Where later the user can listen to a music or watch movies with a more comfortable sound heard. In designing this system is expected to help improve the frequency at the speaker output. more In a study titled 'design and manufacture of automatic tone control devices using raspberries pi' this, the author intends to make improvements in the frequency of speaker output on the amplifier for the sound captured by the listener more clear and comfortable to hear. In a study titled 'design and manufacture of automatic tone control devices using raspberrie. Namun, Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta dalam mempertahankan Hak Moral memiliki. Bahwa Selain adanya Lisensi, Pencipta dalam mempertahankan Hak Ekonomi dikuatkan dengan adanya Pasal 17 ayat (1) UUHC sebagai pencerminan asas zaaksgevolg yang memudahkan dalam proses pembuktian menurut Pasal 1865 KUHPerdata.
Dalam mempertahankan Hak Ekonomi Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta oleh Undang-Undang diberikan perjanjian khusus berupa Perjanjian Lisensi ketika melakukan pengalihan atas Ciptaannya. Dari analisis penulis, diketahui bahwa Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta dalam mempertahankan Hak ekonomi lebih kuat daripada dalam hal mempertahankan Hak Moral. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Email : ABSTRAK Dalam aturan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta Nomor 28 tahun 2014 Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta memiliki Hak Ekonomi dan Hak Moral sebagai hak eksklusif yang diberikan atas hasil Ciptaannya. Sugito, S.H., Mhum, Yenny Eta Widyanti,S.H., Mhum. The results are meant to serve as an exper. The analysis of VSIV trajectories is made via space-frequency amplitude spectra and space-time amplitude scalograms, revealing rich dynamic responses.
A similar catenary configuration is assessed. In the present paper, new experimental tests are reported and analyzed. It was then shown that such a behavior recovered similar ones reported in the technical literature by other authors and resembled fundamental studies, by Sumer and Fredsøe. In that paper, a general view of an innovative experimental methodology using underwater optical techniques was given, together with some experimental results on VSIV - Vortex Self-Induced Vibrations, also referred to as Heave-Induced Lateral Motion, or Vessel Motion Induced VIV. more This paper presents further experimental results of the dynamic response of a small-scale catenary riser model subjected to sinusoidal vertical motion imposed to the top, as a continuation of a previous one, presented at OMAE’2013.
This paper presents further experimental results of the dynamic response of a small-scale catenar.